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ACI Documents & Files

eRCM Express™ Diagnostic Software*
This program covers all hardware versions. *Diagnostic Software is only useful for those users with Modbus protocol. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Express
eRCM Express™ V1.1 Manual
Current Product Manual 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Express
eRCM Pro™ Software
eRCM Pro™ is the industry standard, commercial software package for modeling reciprocating compressors. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Support Software
eRCM Viewer™
Loads models created by eRCM Pro and allows users full access to compressor performance and safety modeling. Dynamic compressor performance, curves, 3D Plots, automation support for eRCM Express, full map safety reviews, safe start up maps, and many other features. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Support Software
eRCM™ Evaluator
The features of this software have been implemented directly within eRCM Pro. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Legacy Software
eRCM™ Legacy
This software has been replaced by eRCM Pro™ Software. Please upgrade. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Legacy Software
eRCM™ MultiServices™
eRCM Pro can create models with multiple unique, and even interconnected, services. Share theses with others who do not own eRCM Pro via this support program. Dynamic modeling of multiple services on a single compressor. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Support Software
eRCM™ Points Report
The features of this software have been implemented directly within eRCM Pro. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Legacy Software
eRCM™ Thermo
Calculating accurate compressor performance requires accurate thermodynamics. eRCM Thermo integrates ProSim’s Simulis Thermodynamics, allowing gas mixture modeling from nearly 400 individual gas components. 1 file(s)
eRCM™ Unit Staging™
Models multiple compressors at one station together, including configurations of  compressors in both parallel and series modes of operations. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Support Software
Legacy eRCM Express™ Manual
1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Express
Mini Sizing Application
Software to size a compressor independent of OEM hardware. Quickly estimate frame and cylinder sizes needed to compress specified flow rates. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Tools and Training Apps
MKT 1240 eRCM Express™
1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Express
Monico mCore SDR Manual
Covers mCore product features not specific to eRCM Express. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Express
P-V Card
Useful training software to show how various items affect a cylinder’s internal Pressure-Volume (P-V) diagram. Covers fixed and variable clearance pockets, end deactivators, HydroCOM/Infinite Step unloaders, and Gas Balanced Pockets. 1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Tools and Training Apps
Troubleshooting Known Issues
1 file(s)
eRCM, eRCM Express