United Gas/Koch Gateway – Case 22

Company: United Gas/Koch Gateway
Case #: 22


Customer experienced an increase in natural gas supplies which they could make available for industrial and residential use.

Customer's Need:

Customer required the installation of three integral engine compressor units to provide the necessary capacity to deliver the available natural gas. Capacity, pressure and capacity control requirements dictated the design of new compressor cylinders.

ACI's Solution:

Each engine was equipped with three cylinders. Each cylinder featured multiple clearance pockets. In addition to the pneumatically, actuated volumes, the segmented piston design offered the ability to vary the cylinder fixed clearance through alternate assembly arrangements of the piston segments. The head and crank ends or the piston assembly can be adjusted independently. These features offered the user the flexibility required to meet a wide range of operating conditions. Cylinders were provided with slip fit liners, non-metallic piston and rider rings, multi-stud piston to rod attachment, ExactoTorque nut to tighten rod to crosshead connection and other advance features associated ACI gas transmission cylinders.


The cylinders have provided trouble free service for many years. All specification requirements were met.

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